Serving Orange County Since 1982
District 24-L
Now only 1 number to call for all LOW Lions activities
1- Donation Pickup
2 - Medical Equipment Loan/Return
3 - Wilderness Food Pantry Info
4 - Velona Yard Sale Info
5 - Eyeglass & Hearing Aid Program
6 - All Other LOW Lions Club Programs
7 - Contact Information
"Make Your Mark"
2024-2025 International Theme
General Information
The LOW Lions Club offers free loans of medical equipment for Orange County residents. Equipment available for loan includes wheelchairs, walkers, rollators, canes, commodes, shower chairs, crutches, and other items.
Equipment Loans & Contact
Call LOW Lions Support line, 540-518-2440 and select 2 after the prompt to make an appointment for equipment pickup. A team member will return your call. Alternatively, equipment can be picked up on Saturday morning during yard sale hours (9-12) at the Velona Building (next to the LOW recycling/trash compactor site.)
To make an appointment please call for assistance. A team member will be notified and will return your call to address your equipment loan/return needs. Support will be provided during Saturday Yard Sale hours 9:00 AM-12:00 Noon.
Main Number: 540-518-2440
We appreciate donations of usable, clean medical equipment which may be dropped off at the Velona Building during the hours listed above. Medical equipment can be donated by appointment.
Equipment Returns
Please be sure equipment to be returned is clean before returning. Please let us know if you are aware of any repair or maintenance needs for the equipment being returned. Equipment may be dropped off at the Velona Building on Saturday during the yard sale hours listed above. Note that the yard sale might be cancelled due to weather or other circumstances so please check the yard sale page for schedule info. You may also call the Medical Equipment Support Line at the number listed above to schedule a drop-off.